Billy Ballenger: Recording Artist & Speaker
Billy Ballenger’s personal story reads like a movie script, and his music is driven by his heart to create a song that speaks for those who have no voice and inspire those who do! He found his musical passion as a young boy growing up in Indiana. Yet as a child, he was troubled and bullied which led to bad decisions and bad outcomes. Following his childhood, Billy married and became a father at the age of 18 as he pursued a lifestyle of partying, substance abuse, violence, and burglary. After a SWAT team invaded their home, He and his wife, Jodie, were both sentenced to six years in prison and lost custody of their daughter. Shortly before he went to prison, he began attending church where he re-committed his life to Christ. While incarcerated, he studied the Bible and grew in his faith, and two years later, he and Jodie were miraculously released early and reunited with their daughter.
Today, his journey fuels his passion for sharing the Hope of Jesus Christ with audiences around the world, including Russia, China, and worldwide television. His non-profit, Break the Grey Inc., has performed school assemblies at hundreds of public schools across the Midwest and parts of Canada, and he’s shared his testimony and music with more than 500,000 listeners at festivals, conferences, churches, camps, and other venues. In 2020, Billy joined the Winter Jam Tour Spectacular lineup—performing in 31 arenas around the country. He has released six full-length recordings, along with two EPs: 2020’s Walking on Waves, 2021's Tree and the Nails, and several 2022 singles like Mercy, I Believe it, Close to You and more. His story has been featured on the 700 Club, Life Today, 100 Huntley Street, "Weathering the Storm" with Ryan Stevenson, and in Home Life Magazine among other leading media outlets. Billy is incredibly grateful for the friendships and collaboration he’s found touring with artists like Building 429, NewSong, and so many more. However, He’s not done yet! To make an impact wherever he goes, he continues to accept opportunities to expand his outreach to reflect the hope of Jesus Christ through his music and speaking.


![Tree And The Nails (feat. Jason Roy & Jesse Garcia) [Acoustic Live Video]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ed6ec72f19ebe008af181f4/1664061105650-6WPVATQHFHOH70PD4LR9/image-asset.jpeg)

Testimony & Speaking